Wednesday 9 November 2016

Donald Trump appears to have his Twitter back

As Election Night neared, Donald Trump's campaign aides reportedly seized his Twitter access to prevent any more missteps. (A fact Barack Obama has been quick to skewer.) But it looks like Trump may be back at the wheel, just in time to send some very inaccurate tweets.
Trump has generally tweeted from a Samsung device, while it's been postulated — and forensically tested — that his campaign sends tweets from an iPhone. The tweets from @realDonaldTrump have lately come from an iPhone, but this morning, it switched back over to Android.
Trump apparently tweeted out one characteristically conspiratorial missive:
Just out according to @CNN: "Utah officials report voting machine problems across entire country"
CNN immediately fact-checked the tweet on air and on Twitter, clarifying that they were talking about problems in one Utah county, not across the country. "Difference of an R, but kind of an important one," Jake Tapper said. Staffer Andrew Kaczynski joined in:
I'm sitting w/the voter irregularities team at CNN. This is not true. There's problems in one county, but not SLC. 

So as you follow along tonight, know you're probably getting the real deal.

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